If you have home furniture, you should know how to maintain it properly. While most people clean their furniture only once a few months, it is essential to clean it more frequently. You should try to give your pieces a delicate cleaning once a month or twice a week. It is also essential to avoid placing furniture in a place that will be directly exposed to direct sunlight. This can cause the fabric to swell and warp.
Avoid dusting upholstered furniture
Upholstered furniture is among the dirtiest places in the home, so keeping it clean is a must. Dust and other surface particles on upholstered furniture act as an abrasive on the fabric. This on-going abrasion can damage the fibers. In addition to causing unsightly stains and odors, dirt and dust can also harbor upholstery allergens. Therefore, upholstery cleaning should be an essential part of spring cleaning.
Dust can also cause a number of diseases, including asthma and wheezing. Dust mites can also contribute to allergies, making it even more crucial to keep your house dust-free. Unfortunately, many people neglect to dust their upholstered furniture, despite its contribution to the quality of air in their home. If dust is left to build up on your furniture, it can lead to the presence of impurities like mold, mites, and mildews, which are not conducive to your health.
If you’d like to keep your upholstered furniture free of dust, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s directions. Use a soft cloth or a sponge to wipe the furniture down. If necessary, use a nonwater-based solvent, like alcohol. Make sure the solvent is applied lightly and blotted with a clean white cloth afterward.
Avoid placing upholstered furniture in an area where moisture will cause it to swell and warp
The best way to prevent upholstered furniture from warping and swelling is to avoid placing it in areas where moisture will be a problem. For example, avoid placing furniture near air conditioning units and radiators. Also, avoid placing it near open windows. Standing water can discolor the fabric, leaving white patches on the furniture within 30 minutes of exposure. It’s also important to avoid placing upholstered furniture in direct sunlight, as this can bleach the fabric.
If you do have flood damage, you will have limited options for restoring upholstered furniture. The fabric on upholstered pieces is likely to be stained and watermarked, and the padding on upholstered items will be water-saturated. It will hold on to the moisture and eventually grow mildew. In addition, finished wood surfaces will become cloudy or mildewed. Sewage, industrial chemicals, and pesticides can also get into the fabric, making it prone to damage.
To protect wood furniture from fading and developing mold, use a special wood cleaner that won’t damage the wood. If possible, clean the furniture thoroughly before storing it. After cleaning, allow the furniture to dry completely. If you do have to store upholstered furniture, wrap it in padded covers to prevent damage in transit and storage.
Avoid placing upholstered furniture in an area where it will be exposed to airborne deposits
If you have upholstered furniture, you should try to avoid placing it in a room where it will be exposed to airborne deposits. These deposits can cause the fabric to become dirty and mildew can develop. When this occurs, you should wash the furniture with an antibacterial cleaner and allow it to dry before storing it. If the fabric of your furniture is cotton, you should use slipcovers to protect it from dirt. Also, keep food and drinks off of it.